Plextor LLC,全球知名的数位多媒体设备品牌宣布其高效能的SSD产品将于2011年第二季起开始搭载NTI SSD Utility Suite (固态磁碟应用系列软件) 来提供客户更周全的资料保护、更方便装置工具、以及更简易的的产品运用。 NTI品牌隶属于美国NTI Corporation,除发明了全世界第一套光碟烧录软件外,也是目前业界首屈一指的多媒体软件开发公司。 “我们很荣幸能与Plextor合作,并将我们较引以为傲的NTI Echo™的首航献给Plextor”。 Bill Yao,NTI Corporation总裁兼执行长提到。 ”SSD的市场成长迅速,虽然与传统硬碟相比拥有绝对优势,但在资料安全与储存的稳定度上依然有多重半导体开发上的变数与局限,也因此搭配应用软件来让使用者获得更完善的保护变得极为重要。”
NTI Utility Suite包含了多项NTI旗下知名的应用软件:
NTI Echo™ – 拥有独家专利的硬碟或SSD快速复制程式。使用者可透过简单的介面迅速的将既有的硬碟完整复制到新的硬碟或是SSD。
NTI Backup Now EZ™ – 个人电脑较简易也是较强大的资料保护软件,可以以较有效率的方式备份或还原特定的资料或完整的系统。
SSD Performance Analyzer – 迅速检测与比较您SSD的使用状态、容量以及读写速度。
软件免费试用– NTI SSD Utility 还包含了趋势科技Trend Micro Internet Security Titanium 以及NTI其他获得无数大奖的产品如:Media Maker 9 Premium, Shadow 5™ Windows或Mac两个版本,和Ninja™等.
“在测试过市面上无数种的软件产品之后,只有NTI SSD Utility Suite提供了我们较满意的结果以及较符合我们SSD产品的需求”。 Christine Hsing,Plextor行销经理指出。”透过内建的软件,客户只需简单几个步骤即可将旧的硬碟完整复制到新的SSD,除了马上享用极速的体验之外,客户也可轻松将档案备份以及验证磁碟读写的状况。"
Plextor SSD 产品搭载NTI SSD Utility Suite即将于2011年第二季上市。 NTI SSD Utility Suite 与其所有内含的软件都可以独立OEM客制化并与适合搭载所有SSD, HDD或USB类型储存装置产品一同出货。
欲知更多详情可上网: Website:
Plextor LLC is a leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance digital media equipment for professionals, consumers and enterprises. In 1990, Plextor established a U.S. operation in Silicon Valley with dedicated sales force for serving North and South America. Since then, the Plextor brand has been continually recognized as high-quality product, receiving numerous awards for its optical drives. Plextor will continue to deliver generations of award-winning products, including CD-R/RW, DVD±R/RW, & Blu-ray optical disk drives, digital video converters and multimedia products. The Plextor brand of optical disc drives and multimedia products are owned by Shinano Kenshi in Japan.
关于NTI Corporation
An industry leader and true software developer, NTI creates products that combine ease of use, value, and relevant technology for backup, security, videos, movies, data, photos, songs, music CDs, DVD, Blu-ray, Flash Media, Networks, Hard Drives and more. NTI’s retail and OEM heritage spans over 15 years of consistently delivering feature-rich backup and digital media software solutions. NTI developed one of the first CD burning software in the early 1990s and continues as a technology leader today with software products installed on over 150 million computers worldwide.